like a rabid dog, jeff the ticker showed its ass this morning at bread and roses, I had to get an employee to get it off me....you could see the problem and hear it
(too old to reply)
2017-10-20 18:38:34 UTC
as I walked around hte corner to the place you could see the fat ticker standing in front of security making signs with its hands, and moving wrong and see the white flashes on it, I laughed and went inside... they signed me up and said I have to wait a few minutes to get called up, so I went outside and far away... before I could get out of the place, the ticker walked in, walked next to me and stood there making hand signs and talking wrong, which made me sing aloud to everyone 'the ticker got you all dead, see' and you could see the sick fucks in the place face touching, and hear them saying YES they know, and you could see me saying what was real, the whole time and they acted around it... face touching, white flashes and wrong talking, along with audio failing, which you can see, they are programmed to receive now and know its real and they are responding to it bad.

(5 something) (here it is here) (at the library live in venice you can hear the wrong talking, see the face touching and hear and see the problem and see them do it and ignore it, yet singing numbers and colors and doing that masonic acting)

Anyway, I went outside to get away from this ticker jeff stalker and you could see everyone watching and see it keep doing the hand signs and talking wrong and getting in front of the door as I tried to get out... literally, the didactic example of why they kill the freemasons, print out everything this loser sicko said and you can see 'the why'.

long story short, I walked about 50 feet away from bread and roses and jeff followed me out doing the masonic stalking and wrong acting and hand signs, and everyone saw it, so I went further away.

I waited about 10 minutes and attempted to go back into the place and couldn't get in, jeff the ticker stalked was in front of the door making signs .... no one could get into the doorway, its so fat and sick you could see it doing it on purpose.

this is where it got funny, as I turned away cuz it was blocking the door, one of the case managers I know happened to be right in front of me, so I said aloud 'see' and it turned and looked at me and I began to point at the ticker and say see 'its blocking the door doing gangstalking' and you could see alex respond to what I was saying by going 'shit' ... and as I stood there talking to alex, who is a little short , maybe 5 foot ... you could see jeff the ticker in the doorway making hand signs and pointing at me and then pointing DOWN ... like it meant something... it did the same thing as I walked up to the place, making hachet chopping signs with its hands and arm. anyway, as I said to alex what was going on you could see it saw it and identified it and began to tell me it would sign me up for breakfast Monday, and that there is no problem.

I said thank you and moved on, as I was finishing my talk with alex, with the ticker making hand signs it began to cry aloud 'he is talking about me' as if something else was going on.

read everything this sicko said here and you can see the problem and see this is the didactic example of why they kill all the freemasons and the freemasons kill the freemasons, they know they are all sick, and showed everyone, again.

thanks for the proof jeff ron harper ticker, everyone knew the whole time.

you only reinforced it in front of everyone.

how did I get you to do it?
2017-10-20 23:22:50 UTC
not what happened you schizophrenic psycho. everyone was laughing at you the entire time cause your a fat ugly freak.
2017-10-20 23:38:41 UTC
what is this a fan fiction? You smell like shit and now your making shit up.
2017-10-21 22:27:27 UTC
no, what I said is on tape, ask everyone, and notice this sick rabid dog continues to post the op of whats real.

thanks for the help!
2017-10-21 23:53:19 UTC
wheres the tape?
2017-10-22 17:04:14 UTC
see what the sick rabid dog has continued to post.

and thinks no one is recording anything, the exact masonic error the freemasons lose to , they will tell you nothing is going on while they do what kills them.

